

A new building in use since October2007expanded in 2016 is situated at the entrance of the hospital. There is a pre labour section, 2 rooms with each 7 beds for resting and observation for mothers who are in early labour. Opposite is an admission room with two examination beds. The labour ward originally had 9 beds but now there is an additional 6 bed labour ward and 3 private side rooms. Since 2017 one private room is used as changing room and tea room as well for the labour ward staff, because it was observed that eating and drinking in labour ward itself is inappropriate, while staff often cannot leave because of the workload.
There are 16 delivery beds. Two in the room near the entrance are used for mothers with (pre) ecclampsia or other serious conditions.
An obstetric theatre adjacent to labour ward is fully in use.
Weekly perinatal and maternal death audits are held however it is difficult to get staff who was involved attend the meetings, hence it is mostly a team of in charges who discuss the cases and then give feedback to their staff. Monthly District meetings on maternal and perinatal deaths are attended by the Sengerema Team.
A majority of mother use herbal medicines, especially to enhance labour. Society needs to understand the danger of these medicines.